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Hypospadias Surgery: An Illustrated Guide

Hypospadias Surgery: An Illustrated Guide
"Hypospadias Surgery is a comprehensive and extremely well-illustrated publication on all aspects of hypospadias surgery. It is a book that should be available in all paediatric urological departments since it will help the paediatric urologist to develop an optimal approach to the different forms of hypospadias repair. … The illustrations contain numerous colour diagrams and photographs of the various operations together with many technical tips. This is an excellent publication." (Prof. Dr. F. M. J. Debruyne, European Urology Today, December, 2005)

Key Clinical Topics in Paediatric Surgery

Key Clinical Topics in Paediatric Surgery
The book is a cool new revision tool for pediatric surgery trainees appearing in exams. The book presents topics in an easy to revise format with enough depth for a postgraduate exam.

Paediatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Text For Africa

Paediatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Text For Africa
A remarkable effort by the Africans. This book is free and its a must read for all new African Paediatric surgeons.