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Paediatric Surgery

Paediatric Surgery
Another revision book aimed at building a sold base in pediatric surgery. The references at the end are however a must read if the book is to be used to appear in any exam.
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David M Burge, Mervyn D Griffiths, Henrik A Steinbrecher, Robert A Wheeler


Pages: 704
Publisher: CRC Press
Edition: 7 edition
Date: 2005
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0340809108
ISBN-13: 978-0340809105
Product Dimensions: 1.3 x 8.5 x 10.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 5 pounds


The second edition of Paediatric Surgery has been designed to be highly relevant to the practice of clinical paediatric surgery. With this in mind, topics are presented in a clear and easily digestible format, with the most important learning points in each area clearly identified. The principles of the basic sciences, and how these relate to competent clinical practice, are covered in each clinical chapter, and are an important part of the Intercollegiate Board examination and other higher examinations in paediatric surgery in Europe and Australasia.

While many of the topics from the previous edition have been retained and updated as appropriate, there are a number of important additions. The important and developing field of minimally invasive surgery has been given more prominence. Oncology has been expanded to include more detail on solid tumours as well as more on central venous access and the surgical assessment of the acutely unwell child undergoing chemotherapy. Thoracic surgery has been expanded to include the management of empyema and the open and endoscopic approach to resection and biopsy. Finally, important 'generic' issues such as communication skills, the critical analysis of journal articles and evidence-based medicine have all been introduced.

The second edition of Paediatric Surgery will be an invaluable resource for all trainee paediatric surgeons, providing a summary of practical, evidence-based advice for the candidate for the Intercollegiate Board Speciality Examination in Paediatric Surgery (FRCS Paeds), or other equivalent examination, without overwhelming and unnecessary detail.

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Annals of Royal College of Surgeons of England
British Journal of Surgery

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My Review

The book is written like a textbook, it has details and concept building regarding almost all diseases in pediatric surgery, however it lacks depth and for that reason the references at the end are a must read to fulfill this shortcoming. This book is a great book to read as the first book in pediatric surgery for interns or residents of surgery.

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