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Operative Pediatric Surgery by Moritz Ziegler

Operative Pediatric Surgery by Moritz Ziegler
This is an Operative Textbook.
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Moritz M. Ziegler, Richard G. Azizkhan, Thomas R. Weber


Pages: 1504
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
Edition: 2nd edition
Date: March 2014
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071627235
ISBN-13: 978-0071627238


The definitive resource of pediatric surgical operations and techniques has been updated for today's practice. This comprehensive text reflects the state-of-the-art surgical management of infants and children, with an emphasis on operative technique. Organ-based in its orientation, the book features more than 1,000 illustrations with detailed step-by-step instructions, authoritative coverage of acquired and congenital pediatric disorders, and special emphasis on laparoscopic procedures.
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My Review

This book has huge amount of text on Pediatric Surgery. The book has best of both Worlds: Full disease info and full Managaement covering every aspect of the surgical techniques. The book however lacks illustrations.

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