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Laparoscopy in Children

Laparoscopy in Children
A very well reputed book to learn to perform laparoscopy in children.
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Felix Schier, Salmai Turial


Pages: 160
Publisher: Springer
Edition: 2nd edition
Date: 2013
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3642376371
ISBN-13: 978-3642376375


Most surgeons are familiar with the techniques of laparoscopic surgery, however, in children there are variations in size and technical appraoch. The book describes the differences and characteristic aspects of laparoscopy in small children. The emphasis is on little text and numerous drawings. Technical guidelines are given on how to perform laparoscopy safely even in small children. The most frequent indications for laparoscopy in children are presented and discussed. The aim of the book is to provide surgeons with the knowledge to extend their expertise in adult laparoscopy to children.
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Read Journal Review of this Book

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health: Reviewed this book in 2003
British Journal of Surgery: Reviewed this book in 2003

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My Review

There are many books written about laparoscopy in children but this book outshines them all in terms of its simplicity and effectiveness of text along with thorough understanding and learning.

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