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A History of Surgical Paediatrics

A History of Surgical Paediatrics
A book which presents of Evolution of Pediatric Surgery in each country. A remarkable resource for pediatric surgeons around the World. After reading the book one would wounder about the immense effort put into compiling and writing this amazing book.
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Robert Carachi, Dan G. Young, Cenk Buyukunal


Pages: 834
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
Edition: 1st edition
Date: 2009
Language: English
ISBN-10: 981277226X
ISBN-13: 978-9812772268
Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 6.1 x 8.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 3 pounds


This book provides an authoritative overview of the global development of surgical paediatrics. Biographical accounts of key people who developed this relatively new specialty, many of whom are now household names, are presented. The compendium also acknowledges the enormous contribution of imaging (ultrasound/MRI and PET scans), minimal invasive surgery, and fetal surgery, as well as the role of related journals and associations, in the progress of surgical paediatrics.
Many of the contributors have been instrumental to the development of surgical paediatrics in their respective countries, and have considerable worldwide influence on the management of children requiring surgical care. Through their valuable insight and first-hand experience, this book not only shines a light on the past achievements of previous generations of paediatric surgeons, but also serves as a model to encourage future generations to do likewise.
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The Scottish Medical Journal
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An excellent book to know how pediatric surgery started in a country. This book deserves to be present in the Library of every pedaitric surgery unit in the World.

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