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Current Practice in Pediatric Surgery (Surgical Clinics of North America)

Current Practice in Pediatric Surgery
A somewhat old version of the new issue. Nevertheless this title is worth reading for anyone practicing pediatric surgery.
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Mike K. Chen, Catherine Bewick, Ronald F. Martin


Pages: 535
Publisher: Saunders
Date: 2006
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1416035583
ISBN-13: 9781416035589
Product Dimensions: 6.32 x 9.02 x 0.77 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.25 lbs


Within this issue, the authors will present not only the state-of-the-art for pediatric surgery, but also contemporary and occasionally controversial topics. This topics for individual articles will include abdominal wall defects, solid tumors, germ cell tumors, cardiopulmonary issues, gut abnormalities, genitourinary disorders, among many others.
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My Review

A supplementary text with updated content upto 2006. The text is well written and the issue is worth a one read atleast.

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