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Monologues of a Pediatric Surgeon

Monologues of a Pediatric Surgeon
This is a Carrier autobiography of a Worldwide celebrated and highly respected great living Pediatric Surgeon, written by himself.
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Alberto Pena


Language: English


Monologues of a pediatric surgeon is a memory of the professional life of a prominent pediatric surgeon. It contains an inspiring message for pediatric surgeons and parents of children with congenital malformations.
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Read Journal Review of this Book

Pediatric Surgery International: Michael Höllwarth : Reviewed this book in 2012.

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My Review

There are no words which i can write about this book. However i will try, Why anyone would want to read this? Because the author invented techniques and concepts which are still the standard for pediatric surgery care and he wrote all about this and other stuff himself, and only a true seeker can read within the text to discover the secrets of success.

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