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Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery
A smaller addition to the world of pediatric surgery handbooks. The book is a undergraduate resource and is a useful book in that sense.
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Robert M. Arensman, Daniel A. Bambini, P. Stephen Almond, Vincent Adolph, Jayant Radhakrishnan


Pages: 498
Publisher: Landes Bioscience
Edition: 2nd edition
Date: 2009
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1570597049
ISBN-13: 978-1570597046
Product Dimensions: 8 x 5.2 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds


This is a portable reference of the surgical diseases in neonates and children. Major emphasis is on the congenital or acquired problems of children. It includes basic information on pediatric tumors and an overview of pediatric trauma, children's number one health care problem. Medical students, house officers and fellows in pediatric surgery will find this book a convenient pocket reference in pediatric surgery.
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My Review

A useful resource for undergraduates and those on rotations in pediatric surgery. The book can be recommended to paramedical staff as well for giving them understanding of pediatric surgery.

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