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Practical Problems in Pediatric Surgery: An Atlas & Mind Maps

Practical Problems in Pediatric Surgery: An Atlas & Mind Maps
A cool new book with unique idea for learning. Get ready to indulge in a practice of craming and reproducing whole pediatric surgery rapidly.
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Keilani Rasem, Robert Carachi, Devendra K. Gupta, Emily Broadis, Shilpa Sharma


Pages: 648 pages
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub
Edition: 1st edition
Date: September 2009
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8184487231
ISBN-13: 978-8184487237


  • The combined effort of five authors, each of them making a distinct complimentary contribution, has, in fact, produced a pictorial path for learning practical pediatric surgery. Includes about 450 clinical conditions, many of them presenting only rarely, and some may never be seen by a trainee pediatric surgeon. Another novel feature of the book is to launch the concept of mind maps in pediatric surgery. Mind maps are used as an aid in study, in organizing information, in problem solving as well as in decision-making. By way of examples, the authors have given 26 mind maps.

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