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Pediatric Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series)

Pediatric Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series)
This is an Atlas of pediatric surgery operations. The book has not got much fame yet. The Atlas does not provide any other additional info than other Atlases. The market has much better atlases than this at economical prices.
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Prem Puri, Michael E. Höllwarth


Pages: 634
Publisher: Springer
Edition: 1st edition
Date: 2006
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3540407383
ISBN-13: 978-3540407386
Product Dimensions: 1.3 x 7.8 x 10.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.2 pounds


This volume represents a leading international reference on the surgical management of diseases of infants and children. The editors have assembled experts from all five continents. Its up-to-date analysis of current practice provides comprehensive details on both surgical techniques and pre- and postoperative management. This atlas is an invaluable referene for pediatric surgeons and for general surgeons with a special interest in pediatric surgery.
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Britsh Journal of Surgery: Reviewed this book in 2006

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My Review

The book has limitations, the price is very high. There are much better books available in the market at cheaper rates. Whatever the value it has back in 2006 it has lost it as no new edition has been released yet and their were too many shortcomings in the first edition

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